Monday, 10 June 2013

People have played games for thousands of years . Cavemen probably played by throwing and catching sticks or animal bones . Later , these were replaced by balls . Old Egyptian wall pictures show women who are playing ball games . They were drawn around four thousand years ago . One game with string , called Cat's Cradle in English , started in China thousands of years ago . Since then , it has spread all over the world . In the Arctic , women play it in order to fill their long days in the summer time . Some games started in Greece . One is called Drop the Handkerchief . A group of children makes a circle , except for one child ,  called " it " . " It " stands outside the circle . All the members of the circle remain standing or  sitting without moving . " It " walks round the outside of the circle with a handkerchief while the group says or sings :
I sent a letter to my friend ,
And  on the way I dropped it .
One of you has picked it up
And put it in your pocket .
Before this ends , " it " drops the handkerchief behind one of the players in the circle . That player runs round the outside of the circle as fast as possible . " It " runs the opposite way round . Each tries to get back to the hole in the circle that the player has left . The one who loses is the next " it " . Then the game starts again . Boy in the Middle has come from a game that was played more than 1500 years ago . Three people have a ball . One of them is " the boy " . The other two stand about 7 to 10 metres apart . They throw the  ball to each other and try to keep the ball away from " the boy " . " The boy " tries to get the ball . If it does , the person that threw it goes in the middle . If " the boy " gets the ball after a person has dropped it , then that person goes in the middle . Most children have their favourite games . They have probably been popular with children in different countries for many years.


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